Rafael Alvarado
Rafael is an Ayurvedic counselor, Yoga teacher and Reiki energy facilitator. His passion for health began at the age of 17 when he was introduced to and started practicing Yoga and embodying its philosophy. Fascinated by healing practices of cultures around the world he continued to explore and learn all that he could from books or workshops he could find.
As he continued his studies he came to meet a Reiki Master who instructed him in energy healing and initiated him into the lineage of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki.
Eventually he found a Yoga instructor that introduced him to the science of Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology. Inspired and motivated by this mentor he went to study Ayurveda at Kerala Ayurveda Academy and received his certification in Ayurvedic Health Counseling.
Rafael currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico where he enjoys making music and gardening in his spare time. He continues to pursue knowledge of health as he is currently studying Curanderismo, healing methods from his familial homeland of Mexico and South America.
- Ayurvedic Counselor (2021)- Discover your unique body type- Diet and lifestyle for a balanced life- Herbal recommendations for supporting health- Balancing body therapies- Reiki (2019)- Utilizing Crystals, sound, and aromatherapy to calibrate the body and processemotions; bringing about a more relaxed and peaceful state of being.

Radha Bacon
Radha is a gentle and passionate Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. Shehas enjoyed working with communities who are not able to invest heavilyinto high cost health care. She has drawn to her those who are interested insimplifying their lives to bring about a higher quality of health and therefore,life.The “science of life” that is Ayurveda has created a philosophicalapproach to health that is fully holistic, cleansing, and rejuvenative. It allowsthose who practice it to bring about health in a way that is fully welcomedand received by the body of those who seek it. By practicing this artfulscience, Radha has been able to embrace her own healer within andintroduce others to theirs.Radha has spent much time traveling the United States to find themost aligned community to share her gifts. While traveling she engaged inthe art of gardening which helped her cultivate her own healthy growth. Byhaving the gift of abundant fresh produce, she found her love for cookinghealth-giving Ayurvedic meals and is beginning to share that love with SantaFe, NM., her new resting place.
Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor (2021)● Determining one’s body constitution● Creating dietary guidelines● Determining one’s mental constitution● Creating lifestyle guidelines● Offering herbal formulation guidance● Cooking for Health guidance● Body Therapies